
shoe review


Good Morning!

I know we are really in the thick of the summer these days and I’m happy about that, but today I am talking a little bit about Fall footwear!

While the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale is still going on through Sunday, it is definitely winding down or at least the hype over it is! The best part is that most of my online orders have arrived! So today I am reviewing four different shoes that I ordered or tried during the Nordstrom Anniversary sale.

Unfortunately, some of these shoes are sold out currently on the Nordstrom website or are in stock in very limited sizes, but if you keep checking back (especially after the sale) the inventory will keep increasing as returns are received and a lot of times these same shoes go back on sale during the Fall season. Also, you might be able to find these shoes at other retailers! I found the sneakers at multiple websites in stock and I am sharing those links below!

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